Association of College and University Housing Officers - International
Association of College and University
Housing Officers - International

Engineering & Computer Science Living-Learning Center

Baylor University

How many faculty are involved in the program fulltime in the following categories? (Faculty are defined as those involved in teaching academic credit bearing courses.)

How many faculty are involved in the program parttime in the following categories?

How many academic staff are involved in the program that weren't included as faculty above? (Academic staff are personnel who are involved in providing academic services to students such as advising.)

How many non-academic staff are involved in the program? (Non-academic staff are personnel who are involved in providing services that do not directly involve academics such as residence hall staff or staff who organize social activities that are not tied to academics. If you are uncertain to which category an individual belongs, use your best judgment based on your knowledge of your program.)

Please indicate the approximate percentage of your students in each of the following grade levels:

Faculty rewards for participation in your program (check all that apply):

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